Dickinson Refinery

Step 1: Requirements to Work at an MPC Refinery
Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
Marathon Dickinson Pre-Access Testing - performed by DISA or OSCA. Initial pre-access requires hair follicle, urinalysis, and breathalyzer testing. Please be aware that it is up to your organization to follow up with DISA or OSCA to confirm results (Cost for drug screen is the responsibility of the company and will not be paid for by MPC).
Contractor Employee status will be checked when the access badge is requested. An active (green) status allows for a badge to be issued. An inactive (red) status will require the Contractor Company to contact DISA or OSCA for more information. An access badge cannot be issued when there is an inactive (red) status.
Background Check Requirements
Contract employees must pass a background security check from DISA.
Contact for DISA:
DISA Global Solutions
Contact for OSCA:
[email protected]
Contractor Orientation Requirements
All contract workers must take and successfully complte the MPC approved site-specific training requirements through the Health and Safety Council (HASC) prior to obtaining a Contractor Badge. If any questions arise through out this process please reference the provided materials thorugh HASC at the bottom of this section.
- The site-specific training requirements will be administered by the Health and Safety Council where an account must be set up if this is your first time using HASC. This site-specific training will be adminstered either by online proctor* or at a HASC approved facilty. The approved facility nearest the Dickinson Refinery is the North Dakota Safety Council. Dickinson Security will be utilizing HASC GateCheck portal for verification of the Health and Sfety Council Training requirements described in the chart below. All training requirements in the HASC GateCheck must be "green-lighted" before entry into the Dickinson Refinery.
Health and Safety Council Training Annual Requirements
Any questions regarding training setup/activities should be directed towards the Health and Safety Council and can be reached at the following:
(888) 955-SAFE https://www.hasc.com/ [email protected]
If you have any questions regarding training requieements, please contact Jay Dalen via email at [email protected]
Refinery Specific ID Badge
Contract workers will obtain their refinery access badge card at the Refinery Security & Badging office at the following address:
- Street Address 3815 116th Ave SW, Dickinson, ND 58601 Admin building, east facing door
The following is required and will be verified by Refinery Security prior to issuing the Refinery access badge:
- Drug & Alcohol testing compliance,
- Background Check,
- Successful completion of the site-specific training, and
- Successful completion of a required safety training
NOTE: Individuals must present a valid government issued picture ID to receive their Refinery badge.
Contractor employees must keep the Refinery Access badge in their possession while on Refinery Property.
Please click here to complete Badge Request.
Step 2: What to Know Before Coming On-Site
The following PPE is required for entry into a process unit and/or tank farm area(s):
- Hard Hat
- Chemical Goggles - Available on Person
- Safety Glasses
- Hearing Protection
- NFPA 2112 FR Clothing
- Gloves - Min - Cut Level 3 Glove for General Duty Use
- Personal H2S Monitor
- Safety Toed Shoe with a defined heel
Certain areas/jobs may require additional PPE which shall be worn in accordance with posted signs or as stated on the Safe Work Permit.
NOTE: Contractor PPE is not supplied by Marathon Petroleum Company LP.
Safety One
Please view this video that best describes the fundamental pillars of MPC’s safety culture. If you have any questions or want more information please contact the Site Safety Supervisor for information.