Los Angeles Refinery Contractor Site Access

Step 1: Requirements to Work at an MPC Refinery
Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
- MPC LAR requires all contract employees must be enrolled and must participate in Approved Drug & Alcohol Testing Program.
Note: For testing and training contact information see the Testing and Training Tab
- Access Testing Methods are Oral & Urine
- Turnaround time for testing method results are as follows:
- Oral Swab: 12 -24 hours
- Urine: 2-3 days
- Turnaround time for testing method results are as follows:
- Important: All Contract Employees must be tested and be in an “active status-Green", in an MPC approved Drug and Alcohol Test program (DISA or ASAP Drug Solutions) prior to recieving unescorted badge access. Any "inactive status-Red" result is up to the individual contract company DER or contract employee to manage, not MPC LAR. For more details review HSS 013 Contractor Site Access
Background Check Requirements
Background checks are performed using the MPC Background Check Criteria. Background Checks are good for two years from their order date.
Note: For testing and training contact information see the Testing and Training Tab .
Important: All Contract Employees must receive an “complete status-Green” background check result, by an approved MPC background check provider, (LAR uses DISA or ASAP Drug Solutions) prior to recieving unescorted badge access. Any "incomplete status-Red" background result is up to the individual contract company DER or contract employee to manage, not MPC LAR. For more details review HSS 013 Contractor Site Access
Contractor Safety Training Requirements
In Los Angeles, CA OSCA is the preferred point of contact to establish the contractor training account and provide any contractor training. Contractor Safety Training requirements are based on two work types Safety Sensitive and Non-Safety Sensitive. Each type has their own training requirements, for details see respective sheets below:
Note: For testing and training contact information see the Testing and Training Tab
Important: All Contract Employees must receive an “complete status-Green” Safety Training result, OSCA or any approved 3rd party Training provider (e.g., Houston Area Safety Coucil-HASC) prior to recieving unescorted badge access. Any "incomplete status-Red" from a missing training result is up to the individual contract company DER or contract employee to manage, not MPC LAR. For more details review HSS 013 Contractor Site Access
Safety Sensitive Work Activities
Non-Safety Sensitive Work Activities:
Testing and Training Location and Contact Information
Please be advised that the below information is the testing and training contact information:
Step 2: What to Know Before Coming On-Site
Refinery Access ID Badge Requirements
Refinery Security & Badging office is located at the following address:
Street Address -2100 E. 223 Street, Carson, CA 90745
Campus One Security Desk is located at the following address:
2350 East 223 Street, Carson, CA 90810
MPC LAR recognizes three types of Refinery Site Access for visitors (vendors), contractors (Routine, TAR) & 3rd party:
Visitor (or Vendor) Site Access | Unescorted Badge Access | 3rd Party Access (ROW) |
Take Safety Video (20 mins), take and pass the Safety Quiz and Present valid Government ID and Contact MPC Representative and Sign in at the respective main gate or security desk before they are issued the following ACS visitor badge (Yellow). |
Complete Step 1 above and company DER submits Badge Request via ASAP Check Once complete, go to Contractor Badging Office and present valid Government ID and input SSN (on the keypad) Once Step 1 Requirements have been verified at Security Badging Office "Green" the contractor is issued one of the following contractor ACS photo badge. |
Complete Step 1 above and company DER submits Badge Request via ASAP Check Once complete, go to Contractor Badging Office and present valid Government ID and input SSN (on the keypad) Once Step 1 Requirements have been verified at Security Badging Office "Green" the contractor is issued one of the following contractor ACS photo badge. |
Visitor ACS Badge (No photo) |
Long-Term Contractor ACS badge |
3rd Party Contractor ACS Photo badge |
Turnaround Contractor ACS badge |
Note: All visitors must be escorted 100 % to enter the facility. |
Note: All unescorted Safety Sensitive Work badge access requests must be submitted through ASAP Check All unescorted Non-Safety Sensitive Work badge access requests must be submitted through Excel Badge/Vehicle Request Sheet. For more information on how to complete the Non-Safety sensitive Badge Request form see the General Safety Documents, Safe Work Practice and Badging Resources tab below. |
The following is required to be presented to Refinery Security Badging Office Personnel for verification, prior to issuing the Refinery Photo Access ID badge/card:
Visitor/Vendor: |
Valid Government issued ID |
Contractors/3rd Party Contractor: |
Valid Government issued ID |
OSCA Training Badge |
TWIC card |
Contractor must also know their SSN number |
Security/Badging personnel will verify the following requirements:
- Drug & Alcohol Screening: “Active Status” in DISA or ASAP Drug Solutions systems. Each contractor company must have an account.
- Social Security number “Valid Status”,
- Completed/Cleared Background Check in anyone of the Authorized Background Check Providers.
- Site Safety Training “Valid Status” (training is listed on the OSCA Training Card via expiration date),
- TWIC Card: “Valid Status”
If all items verified are green (as indicated above) a photo badge will be issued to the contractor. If not, and a site requirement is "red", the security isser will deny badge to the contractor and send the Contractor back to Contract Company DER.
Note: Contractor employees must always keep the Refinery Access ID Card in their possession while on Refinery Property. Lost badge information See SEC 011.
The following PPE is required for entry past the refinery gates (e.g., a process unit and/or tank farm area(s):
- Hard Hat
- Chemical Goggles - Available on Person
- Safety Glasses
- Hearing Protection
- NFPA 2112 FR Clothing
- Gloves - Min - Cut Level 3 Glove for General Duty Use
- Personal H2S Monitor
- Safety Toed Shoe with a defined heel
Certain areas/jobs may require additional PPE which shall be worn in accordance with posted signs or as stated on the Safe Work Permit.
NOTE: Contractor PPE is not supplied by Marathon Petroleum Company LP.
General Safety Documents, Safe Work Practice and Badging Resources
MPC LAR requires all contractors who will be performing work (both safety sensitive and non-safety sensitive) in the LAR facility, for LAR, to review the general site standing instruction for the scope of work they will be performing.
Non-Safety Sensitive Badge/Vehicle Access Request Form
STEP-BY-STEP GUIDELINES: use to complete the Non-Safety Sensitive Badge/Vehicle Excel Form
Safety One
Please view this video that best describes the fundamental pillars of MPC’s safety culture. If you have any questions or want more information please contact the Site Safety Supervisor for information.