Anacortes Refinery

Step 1: Requirements for Working at the Refinery
Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
MPC requires that all contract employees must be enrolled and participate in an approved Drug and Alcohol Testing Program.
To obtain a Drug and Alcohol Test Program account:
For ASAP Drug Solutions account set-up:
- Phone: 562-624-2720 (Press 3)
- Website:
- Email: [email protected]
For DISA account set-up: DISA’S Sales Department
- Phone: 281-673-2530
- Website:
- Email: [email protected]
Important: All Contract Employees must be tested and show an active status in an approved MPC Drug and Alcohol Test Program (ASAP Drug Solutions ASAPCC “Active” or DISA “Active” green lighted). This requirement will need to be met prior to a contractor badge being issued.
Background Check Requirements
Background Check Requirements
Contract Employees must pass a background security check from one of the following background check providers:
For OSCA / ASAP Headquarters:
- Phone: 562-624-2720 (Press 3)
- Website:
- Email: [email protected]
DISA Global Solutions:
- Phone: 281-673-2530
- Website
- Email: [email protected]
Contractor Orientation Requirements
1) All Contract Companies must show “Safety Status Met” in ISNetworld.
Contact ISNetworld at:
For more information on ISNetworld contact your Marathon Sponsor, Jerry Acosta, or Trent Kies
2) All contractors must have a valid TWIC (Transportation Workers Identification Card) to work at the Anacortes Refinery. The TSA website for TWIC enrollment is:
- Please apply for your TWIC well in advance due to wait times taking up to several weeks between enrolling and receiving your TWIC in the mail.
3) All contractors must have a current Marathon Petroleum Anacortes Refinery Site-Specific/Safety Essentials Training.
- Site-Specific Training (Anacortes Marathon Safety Essentials)
- Course Name: Marathon Petroleum Anacortes Refinery Site-Specific
- Course ID: 19MPCANA
Registering for Live Online Proctoring Contractor User Guide LINK Mobile Registration
3.1) 20-Hour High Hazard Facility Training (HHFT) will be required for all employees of a contract company if the work type meets the criteria in the Anacortes Workcode Matrix.
Employees that will not perform work requiring HHFT can file for an exemptioin using the form on the link below:
Marathon High Hazard Facility Training (HHFT) Exemption Request Form
4) All contractors must attend the site-specific orientation speech and badging session.
- Send completed registration forms to the TNC PSM (Gate 20) mailbox. Please click here to access the registration form.
Washington or California 20-Hour High HAzard Facility Training (Comprised of 3 courses below):
- Principles of Petroleum Refining (4Hrs)
- Course ID: OSCAHFT1
- Refinery Safety Overview (8Hrs)
- Course ID: OSCAHFT2
- Safety as it Pertains to Crafts (8Hrs)
- Course ID: OSCAHFT3
OSCA is the preferred point of contact to establish the contractor training account and to schedule and complete the above listed training.
OSCA Headquarters: 455 Carson Plaza Dr Carson, CA 90746
- Phone: 562-624-2720 (Press 3)
- Website:
- Email: [email protected]
OSCA Training Affiliate locations in Washington - Integrity Safety
- Anacortes: Phone: 360-299-1208 12389 Reservation Rd., Ste. B, Anacortes, WA 98221
- Ferndale: Phone: 360-778-1841 7049 Kickerville Rd., Ferndale, WA 98248
DISA Global Solutions - Also offers site specific Computer Based Training
- Anacortes Phone: 360-299-2700 9080 S. March Point Rd., Anacortes, WA 98221
Refinery Specific Access/ID Badge Requirements
The following is required and will be verified by Refinery Security Badging Officers prior to being issued a Refinery Photo Access ID Badge:
- Drug and Alcohol Testing Compliance – ASAP ASAPCC “Active” or DISA Green Lighted
- Completed Background Check
- Valid TWIC
- Contractor Company must show as “Safety Status Met” in ISNetworld
- Completion of the Contractor Orientation Requirements
Contractors will be required to always keep their TWIC and Refinery Access ID Badge in their possession while on Refinery Property.
Step 2: What to Know before Coming Onsite
Smoking Policy
Smoking is prohibited on Refinery Property which includes the parking lots.
Drug/Alcohol/Weapon Policy
Illegal drugs and unauthorized alcohol, weapons and unauthorized firearms are prohibited on refinery property. All individuals are subject to search while on company property.
Facial Hair Policy
Beards are prohibited within the refinery. Mustaches and short sideburns are permitted if they do not interfere with the facial seal of protective breathing devices.
Contact Andrew Johnson
Cell Phones/Electronic Device Policy
- The following PPE is required for entry into a process unit and/or tank farm area(s):
- Hard Hat
- Chemical Goggles – Available on Person
- Safety Glasses
- Hearing Protection
- NFPA 2112 FR Clothing
- Gloves - Minimum Cut Level 3 Glove for General Duty Use
- Personal H2S Monitor
- Safety Toed Shoe with a defined heel
Certain areas/jobs may require additional PPE which shall be worn in accordance with posted signs or as stated on the Safe Work Permit.
NOTE: Contractor PPE is not supplied by Marathon Petroleum Company LP.
Safety Requirements – Contractor Safety Program
All new contractors must schedule an SR11 Contractor Safety Program meeting with Trent Kies.
- Schedule the SR11 meeting in advance
- Schedule an SR11 Contractor Safety Program meeting annually thereafter
Contact Trent Kies at:
(360) 299-1701
We would like to bring the following to your attention:
- There will be NO Smoking anywhere on Marathon property, either inside the gate or in the parking lots. The ONLY opportunity for smoking will be to drive off-site during the scheduled unpaid lunch break. Marathon is committed to a 100% smoke-free work environment. (Please see SR-13 Smoking Regulations)
- Contractor parking is at Gate 20, located at 1099 E. March's Point Rd, Anacortes, WA 98221, unless otherwise directed. (Physical address of 1088 E. March's Point Rd is for GPS location only; not an official mailing address)
- Marathon Anacortes has Life Critical Safety Rules, with Accountability:
The scope of this Standard practice is to establish the requirements for each refinery to implement this Life Critical Safety Rules Program and the accountability for not following these rules.
It is intended to ensure that employees and contractors are held consistently accountable for compliance with the Life Critical Safety Rules inluding the following:
- Safe Work Permit - Obtaining and working under a valid Safe Work Permit when one is required.
- Fall Protection - Protect themselves from a fall from elevated locations.
- Confined Space Entry - Entering a confined space only after recieving a valid Safe Work Permit and following all requirements of the Safe Work Permit while working in and around the confined space.
- Energy Isolation - Complying with the Refinery's Energy Isolation procedure (Lock Out/Tag Out) by ensuring that all energy sources have been identified, isolated, de-energized, and locked out and tagged when required prior to opening equipment or performing maintenance activities.
- Hot Work - Conducting Hot Work only after a Safe Work Permit has been completed, the area has been gas tested and all fire prevention requirements of the Safe Work Permit have been implemented.
- Process Safety - Never bypass critical process safety equipment without following the established procedure and obtaining the proper authorization.
- Alky Unit Personal Protective Equipment - Strict adherence to PPE requirements is required to prevent serious injuries and illnesses as a result of exposure to the acid catalysts used in alky units.
- Cranes and Lifting - Comply with refinery crane and rigging safe work practices.
- Electrical Safe Work - Strict adherence to MOP-11A & MOP11B, PPE requirmeents, and required Work Permits when working on or operating energized electrical equipment.
Safety Documents
Safety One
Please view this video that best describes the fundamental pillars of MPC’s safety culture. If you have any questions or want more information please contact the Site Safety Supervisor for information.